Tag Archives: cool stuff

Put a Penny in Your Loafer and Make a Wish…

Back in 1980, a little book called “The Preppy Handbook” came out. I was 9, and somehow convinced my parents to fork over the $3.95 cover price for a copy. Something made me think it was a necessary read. As I just am flipping through it now, all bent and dog-eared, it’s all coming back to me. It seemed the ideal lifestyle to aspire to. Apparently, I thought I was going to come into some money at some point. Age unappropriateness aside, I think what dazzled me were the fashions –  different enough from our good, old St. John’s navy blue parochial school uniforms; but tame enough to skip out of the house in to have a good time. Put pink and green together (cha cha!) and there’s bound to be some trouble! Well, now there’s a sequel coming out. Really, how have we gone without one? Perhaps that will be what I need to ease into 40 with grace and style…

(Thanks, Daily Beast!)

1. www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=44046723
2. www.theblackdog.com/product.php?productid=16615&cat=307&page=3
3. www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=43138815
4. www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?ref=sr_list_13&listing_id=40175760&ga_search_query=plaid&ga_search_type=user_shop_ttt_id_7428838
5. www.freshdeal.com/deal/2072/sporto-original-duck-boot-10-off.html
6. www.vineyardvines.com/product__79254_____14680_13051

Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

It’s another Lenten Friday. I still haven’t given anything up. Here are two cool things that would brighten up your home and one item that would help you sell it. No matter what time of year it is, these accessories would always fit right in.

Jesus, what time is it?

Check out Studio Mango’s link here plus an interview with them.

You always need another place to rest your weary head.

And Mama Madonna loves a sale!

It’s like having your very own heavenly choir of real estate agents!

Hey – you never know…


Bring Cupmen to America!

I recently came across these “Cupmen”. After you pour your boiling water in your cup-o-noodles, fold the lid back down and pop this guy on top and watch him as he changes color. As he keeps the top down, he turns white when your noodles are ready. Wow – how have we lived without these? I can’t believe Cupmen aren’t all over here in the US. I emailed Japanese designer Akira Mabuchi, and he was nice enough to write back and hint that they would be coming our way in the future. I want one of these now, and just think what cool presents they would make. Who doesn’t love cup-o-noodles?

Check out Akira’s site as well as this one for more cool stuff!